LHS Class of 1960

Group Picture In front of Welliver's in 1980

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Pictures inside of Welliver's in 1985, there was no group picture
Pictures inside of Hartley Hills CC in 1990, there was no group picture
Group Picture at Hartley Hills CC in 1995
Pictures inside of Hartley Hills CC
Group Picture in The Huddleston House in 2000
Pictures inside the Huddleston House
Picture taken on the steps of Central School in 2010 . . . sorta like grade school
2012 Gathering
Gathering Collage (52nd Reunion)
Other Classes and their Reunions
Class of 1956 - Forty-Fifth Reunion in 2001
Class of 1958 - Fifty-Fifth Reunion in 2013
Class of 1961 - Fifty-Fifth Reunion in 2016
Group Picture at Hartley Hills CC in 2005
Pictures inside of Hartley Hills CC
Regrets Letters from Copeland & Duff
2014 Gathering
Gathering Collage (54th Reunion)
Reunion Pictures in The Archive (old library) as well as pictures of the reunion breakfast. These pictures are embedded in the Western Wayne News article by Jenny Steele Pugh